No Wonderland

I’m back!!!  It seems that while walking through this boo-lealicess life, I stumbled and fell down a hole similar to that of Alice in Wonderland.  Of course I found out much like Alice, that even “Wonderland” or “Boo-Land” is not all I thought, envisioned or let alone imagined it would be.  The  escape I sought from my boo-less situation by being in a relationship, only left me wanting to escape that to return back to where I began.  And much like Dorothy, I’ve come to realize that indeed, there is no place like home.  Home, meaning not only this blog, but me.  Doing what I love to do, being independent, and being fabulous.  Fierce yet single.

I don’t quite know how it happens though, whether you get hit over the head by love and wind up in this far away land following a yellow brick road or if the intoxicating fumes of a boo’s love potion put you to sleep so that you wind up in a place that you eventually come to realize that you don’t belong in, let alone fit in.  You soon find yourself chasing after a man who always seems to be late for a very important date that never involves you.  You exhaust yourself trying to fit into a world that was not designed for your existence or presence and it finally hits you that the grass is never greener on the other side; you’ve only imagined it to be.

Stay tuned.  More to come about my encounters while in “Wonderland”.  Just hope this story ends as happily ever after as it does in the movies.