Boofully Employed

employmentI know I’ve been MIA. I’ll suffice my hiatus to say I’ve been “collecting more data” and content for this blog. Namely playing the field and conducting “research” so to speak. With lots to report back to all my fans who have missed me (or that I’ve imagined would), I figured I’d start with a phenomena that I am certain isn’t new, but one that is new to me. And that is men who instead of seeking to be gainfully employed, instead seek to be with women who can supply their financial needs (amongst other things). I’m familiar with women being known as gold diggers, of which I, fortunately for the men I’ve been with; unfortunately for myself; have never been able to get with that program. But the notion of men whose profession it is to seek out women (instead of jobs) who will support them financially during this recession is something new to me. I remember hearing once that there are some homeless people who have become professionals at the art of begging (if indeed it can be termed an art). Instinctively knowing who and who not to ask for money and such. Do men have a sixth sense for this type of thing as well? Through careful observation, intuitively spotting women who wouldn’t mind supporting them? Or is it the woman’s fault for agreeing to be in a relationship with a man who is jobless under the guise of sticking by her man during a hard time that is to blame? Do some women put out ads unconsciously that read:

Woman seeking relationship. Any man will do. I am so starved for affection and attention that any man will do, even if you are broke.

Thoughts anyone?