The [Ex] Dating Game?

Dating The Ex:

The appeal of dating the ex:

All the unanswered questions… answered?  All the would have, should have, and could have beens… ceased?  Unfinished business inevitably… handled?  One would think. But not so.

What actually happens when you date the ex:

But while old sets of questions may find solutions, they are exchanged for new sets of questions that are even more challenging and complex than before.  Only these are never resolved.  Both parties are left regretful that they risked the comfort of the uncomfortable old and replaced them for what they assumed would be resolution with the new.

What you learn from dating the ex:

Instead you learn that perhaps the past… is best left… in the past.  The memories of yester-year, should thus remain for to attempt their reenactment, and duplication would only prove foolishly immature, frustrating naive and unsuccessful at best.  To hope that they’d be recaptured, that the memories the years of separation left you with would somehow play themselves out in reality again, only prove that you can’t hit the rewind or slow motion buttons on life, love and especially past relationships– though you may try.  While old issues may have been laid to rest, new ones emerge.  The bumps in the road that may have rocked the relationship in the past are of an entirely different magnitude than the pot holes you run into when you repeat relationships.

Conclusions about dating the ex:

Flickers don’t always have to be rekindled into flames.  To do so is to play with fire which always leaves one or more persons burned, severely.  Flickers also cast shadows on our minds and hearts so that thoughts of love lost appear greater than reality will prove they are and really were.  But curiosity sometimes makes us add fuel to that fire as opposed to blowing that candle out as should be done.  But curiosity can not only be attributed to the death of the cat, but the death of the sweetness of memories, of the idea of perfect love and of the mystery of unresolved, unfinished love stories and romances with ex’s.  Something I’ve learned to not tamper with… a game I’ve learned I’d rather not play.

Don’t play the ex dating game

2 thoughts on “The [Ex] Dating Game?

  1. Interesting… and you’re right. In MOST cases, exes are best left alone. That whole on & off scene needs to be left alone because in the end, you’ll wind up adding baggage onto baggage. Chances are you two already have trust issues, insecurity issues, and God knows what else… from the mistakes you made during the previous round(s) of your relationship. It’s very hard to start anew with an ex because just as the heart never forgets the pleasure, it never forgets the pain. I’m not saying it’s impossible to find healthy companionship with an ex, but it’s extremely rare. Why make life more difficult than it has to be if chances are, it isn’t meant to be? If anything, pray on it. More than likely God will tell you to move on. And if he doesn’t, just consider yourself an exception and God bless you. Thanks for this one sis. Again, it was an easy and enjoyable read. 🙂

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